Max Cavallari (1989) è un fotografo documentarista che vive e lavora a Bologna. Collabora con l’agenzia Getty Images e per ANSA in Emilia Romagna
Attualmente collabora con testate giornalistiche e riviste, italiane e internazionali.
E’ focalizzato su tematiche che mettono l’essere umano a confronto con ciò che gli sta intorno e con i suoi simili, tratta di immigrazione, tecnologia e ambiente.
Max Cavallari (1989) is a Documentary Photographer based in Bologna, Italy.
Photographer for Getty Images and ANSA Agency.
He currently cooperates with Italian and international newspapers and magazines.
He is the official photographer for ANT foundation Italy Onlus, the Italian national cancer society. He his into migration, technology and environment. His works revolve around the interactions between human being and the world around us.
. Finalist at Photolux Festival “Il Bel Paese?”
. 2nd place at Vallisneri Photo Contest
. Honorable Mention at Photolux Award
. WINNER in “Press” Category at Urban Photo Award
. Exhibition at VISA Pour L’Image in Perpignan
. Honorable Mention Documentary/ Photojournalism category at Best Photography Awards
. Exhibition at UNESCO headquarter in Paris
. Shortlisted at Perimetro Awards
. Shortlisted at “Faces of Humanity” award at Bartur Photo Award
. Shortlisted at Nonprofit World at Festival Fotografia Etica, Lodi
. Honorable Mention Documentary/ Photojournalism category at Best Photography Awards
. Presentation of Acquaintance book at Salone del Libro di Torino
. First Prize, Storytelling Category, World Water Day Photo Contest
. First Prize, Cultural Sites and Photojournalist Category at Igers Italia
. reFocus Award, Travel Category (Bronze)
. LUCI IN BOTTEGA Collective Project in Genova with Arcipelago-19
. LIFE FRAMER exhibition at MMX Gallery (London), Officine Fotografiche (Rome), The Reference (Seoul)
. ToGetThereForUkraine, fundraising to help Ukrainian Civilians
. COVIDIARES (Parallelozero) Collective Exhibition at Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan
. Sauti Mpya “Training Journalism” in assignment for WeWorld in Tanzania
. ARCIPELAGO-19 Collective Exhibition at Photolux-Fest in Lucca
. Shortlisted at Wellcome Photography Prize at “Fighting Infection” Single Image Category
. Shortlisted at Festival of Ethical Photography at “Single Shot Award” Category
. Shortlisted at HIPA Photography Award at “HUMANITY” Category
. Honorable Mention at IPA 2021 “One Shot – Our Times : Isolation”
. Second Prize for THE HUMAN BODY photographic call by LIFE FRAMERS
. Editor’s Pick (Amy Kellners NY Times) for HUMANS OF THE WORLD award by LIFE FRAMERS
. Shortlisted and Honorable Mention at Bartur Photo Award
. Founder (1 of 4) of Arcipelago-19 collective
. “TEMPI COMPLESSI” Artistic Residency in Prato by Fondazione Studio Marangoni
. Mao Space Gallery, Shanghai Photofair 2019, Shanghai, China
. Soncino Biennale, Soncino, Italy
. Swatch Art Peace Hotel Residency, Shanghai, China
. Ricostruzioni, tempo sospeso, Milan Triennale, Milan, Italy
. (Di)Stanze, Kuhlhaus, Berlin, Germany
. (Di)Stanze, Palazzo D’Accursio, Bologna, Italy
. (Di)Stanze, Mudec Museum, Milan, Italy